Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bladder Stone Symtoms

adder stones 

In some cases, bladder stones do not cause any symptoms. This is because they can be small enough to be passed out of the bladder during urination.
However, most people with bladder stones do experience symptoms because the stones either irritate the wall of the bladder or block the normal flow of urine out of the bladder.
Symptoms of bladder stones include:
  • lower abdominal pain
  • in men, pain in the penis and scrotum
  • pain around the back, buttocks and hips, which can be made worse when moving or exercising (in both men and women)
  • pain when urinating
  • blood in your urine 
  • intermittent (stop-start) urination
  • needing to urinate more frequently than usual
  • waking up during the night because you need to urinate
  • difficulty beginning to urinate
Additional symptoms in children include:
  • in boys, a persistent and often painful erection, that is unrelated to sexual desire (the medical term for this is priapism
  • bedwetting 

When to seek medical advice

It is strongly recommended that you contact your GP if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • persistent abdominal pain
  • a change in your normal pattern of urination
  • blood in your urine
These symptoms are not necessarily the result of bladder stones but they will require further investigation.

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